Rental houseboats without a license in France and Europe

Allemand Anglais Français

Kalyazin is a town of about 15,000 inhabitants located in Tver Oblast in Russia. This city was made atypical with the creation of the dam of Uglich, a large part of the inhabited center of the city was put under water. The iconic belfry that was left standing on what is now an island in the Volga, is now the main reason for the tourist success that meets the city of Kalyazin. Many roads are still unpaved, which adds to the feeling of autenticity never recovered from the Soviet modernization, as if time had stopped ...

Croisière fluviale à Kalyazin

  • Information
  • Photos
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  • Tourist attractions
  • Routes
  • Available boats


TO SEE : The submerged chapel of Kalyazin

TO TASTE : Russian culinary specialties: Stroganoff beef, borsch (soup of beetroot with cabbage and meat), syrniki (small pancakes), blinis and selyodka pod chouboy (fur herring).

MOST IMPORTANT : Come discover the famous RT-64 telescope, maybe you will see asteroids, or unidentified flying objects, we never know!

The submerged chapel of Kalyazin

  • The submerged chapel of Kalyazin
  • River Volga
  • The RT-64 radiotelescope

Itinéraires croisière fluviale Dolgoproudny

Suggestions for cruises from Kalyazin

One week

Kalyazin - Koprino - Kalyazin : 203 km, 2 locks, 20 hours
Kalyazin - Tver - Kalyazin : 400 km, 2 locks, 40 hours

Navigating on the river Volga
Rental only with Skipper (provide 1 extra cabin) (skipper price already included in the rental price)


Pénichette 1165 FB

Pénichette 1165 FB

6/7 people
3 Cabins + lounge
2 Steeringwheels

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Pénichette 1400 FB

Pénichette 1400 FB

8/9 (+1) people
4 Cabins + lounge
2 Steeringwheels

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