Rental houseboats without a license in France and Europe

Allemand Anglais Français

Discover all our tourist information from Châtillon-en-Bazois. Rent a boat or a barge without licence and navigate the Nivernais Canal. Discover the city of Nevers and the abbey of Auxerre. Stroll in the markets of Clamecy or Corbigny, where you can find local quality products. Give yourselves a treat and spend a pleasant moment on a cruise on one of the most beautiful canal of France.

To know the tourist information from Châtillon-en-Bazois, you can open the interactive map in Google Maps by clicking the map below.

Tourist information from Châtillon-en-Bazois

Suggestions for cruises from Châtillon en Bazois


Châtillon en Bazois, Baye, Châtillon en Bazois : 32 km - 16 locks - 9 hours

Mini week

Châtillon en Bazois, Corbigny, Châtillon en Bazois : 54 km - 76 locks - 21 hours
Châtillon en Bazois, Decize, Châtillon en Bazois : 106 km - 44 locks - 21 hours

One week

Châtillon en Bazois, Nevers, Châtillon en Bazois : 176 km - 60 locks - 35 hours
Châtillon en Bazois, Clamecy, Châtillon en Bazois : 126 km - 116 locks - 36 hours
Aller simple Châtillon en Bazois, Digoin : 117 km - 38 locks - 27 hours
One week one-way Châtillon en Bazois, Coulanges sur Yonne : 72 km - 62 locks - 26 hours

Three weeks

Châtillon en Bazois, Auxerre, Châtillon en Bazois : 246 km - 178 locks - 80 hours