Discover all our tourist information from Carcassonne. Rent a boat without licence and go off to explore the city of Carcassonne, only fortified city to still be inhabited today. Navigate on the Canal du Midi and take advantage of pleasant moments in the South of France.
To know the tourist information from Carcassonne, you can open the interactive map in Google Maps by clicking the map below.
Suggestions for cruises from Carcassonne
Carcassonne - Bram - Carcassonne : 48 km, 10 locks, 9 hours
Week-end one way
Carcassonne - Homps : 40 km, 13 locks, 8 hours
Mini week
Carcassonne, Homps, Carcassonne : 80 km, 26 locks, 18 hours
Mini week one way
Carcassonne - Colombiers : 95 km, 18 locks, 17 hours
One week
Carcassonne, Capestang, Carcassonne : 166 km, 36 locks, 30 hours
Carcassonne - seuil de Naurouze (ligne de partage des eaux entre la mer Méditerranée et l'océan Atlantique) - Port-Lauragais - Carcassonne : 116 km, env. 70 locks, 40 hours
One week one‐way
Carcassonne - Agde : 126 km, 36 locks, 25 hours
Carcassonne - Bram - Carcassonne - Colombiers : 143 km, 28 locks, 25 hours
Two weeks
Carcassonne - Montgiscard - Carcassonne : 160 km, 92 locks, 70 hours
Carcassonne, Castelnaudary, Port Lauragais, Carcassonne : 116 km, 70 locks, 58 hours
Carcassonne, Agde, Carcassonne : 252 km, 72 locks, 50 hours
Three weeks
Carcassonne, Aigues-Mortes, Carcassonne : 400 km, 76 locks, 70 hours